The story of Kalima begins with Lord Shiva telling Parvati Mata (One of the forms of Durga)
The story of Kalima begins with Lord Shiva telling Parvati Mata (One of the forms of Durga) that he needs to go and meditate. Soon after Lord Shiva leaves, the King of the Rakshasa arrives asking for the blessings of Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati. The Rakshasa are very devoted followers of Lord Shiva so she tells him that Lord Shiva is meditating however, he can have her blessings as long as he does not break any of the rules of war. With that, the Rakshasa left. The Rakshasa attack and reach the gates of Heaven and have been defeated all the way to there. Fearing complete defeat, they rush to find Lord Shiva. When they find Mother Parvati, she tells them that he is meditating. They ask for her blessings, she says that she cannot offer it because the Rakshasa King already has it. They finally ask, "Can you lead or army?" Parvati agrees with the condition that they obey her every order. The Devas agree to her terms. As the war continued just outside of Heaven, Parvati...
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